Not Quite Christmas – Looking for the Light

Dec 17, 2017
Hey all – in a culture that doesn’t know how to wait for anything (all right – that’s a little harsh), Advent is WEIRD! I mean, we know how the story ends, right?  Right?  So let’s get on with the party!

Well, that’s all fine and good, but what happens when knowing the version of the story that seems to suggest all is well as soon as the baby shows up doesn’t seem to be working. That’s when a season in which we choose to live between realization and expectation can feel like a place we need to be. It can feel like a good fit for those of us that look around at the world and say, “That’s not all o.k….”.

Does what we often call the “Christmas story” have something to say to that? I think it does, and I believe an important part of hearing that message requires a season in which we choose to wait – to NOT charge ahead into “it’s all good”, but to live in the tension of seeing intimations of light, not basking in the full glow and warmth of day.

So that’s kind of the space we’ll be in for “Not Quite Christmas – Looking for the Light”.  Our exploration will involve listening to music, reflection, reading and making music together. I’m looking forward to our shared experience!

Kids Table will be starting things off and then heading upstairs to do their own thing under Amy’s capable leadership. I guess we’ve decided to ignore the conventional performance adage that suggests you should save the best for last.  Brace yourself for cuteness…

Time and place will be 10:30 a.m. (ish) at Pantages.

Next week will also be at Pantages, and it will also not be “business as usual”, because we’re going to sharing a potluck brunch and some carols. No Kid’s Table, no Talky Bit…just whoever shows up to share the feast and the singing.

Lisa Hastings is heading up the hospitality piece, and she could use some help with set up and take down. If you would be willing to be part of that, you can reply to this email and I’ll pass that info along.

See you Sunday.


Tim Plett

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