Making The Future (an alt.+Sunday)

Apr 21, 2024

of the present. In other words, while we may not have an ultimate or final say over the shape of the future, we have some agency. What we do with “today” has some bearing on the shape of “tomorrow”. All to say, when we gather to explore this Sunday we will be considering how values take shape in the cultural objects we make, and reflecting on what shape we might want those objects to have in the future. In particular, the object we will be examining is the opening prayer / statement for gatherings of the Manitoba Legislature. And to be abundantly clear – this will NOT be the occasion to be politically or religiously partisan, but rather to consider what the existing statement can tell us about the values and beliefs of those who made it, and what our own values might look like if we were making it now. Because, not to put too fine a point on it, we are.

And now the details:
We will meet at 10:45 a.m. at VA Cafe. If you happen to be reading this as someone new to The Table, you can find a video about how to locate us here.

As you may have noticed in the subject line, I’m calling this an “alt.+Sunday”, which is simply a way of saying that this is an alt.Sunday that also has Kids Table stuff happening. We will livestream the Community Time here, but not the discussion time. Feel free to post anything you want shared with the group to our Facebook page..

I think this has the potential to be a fascinating conversation, and I’m looking forward to seeing you on Sunday.
Tim Plett
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