All Your Questions About the Bible Answered!

Aug 19, 2018
O.K….admit it. That subject line totally sounds like it should be the banner ad for a website that claims to actually have ALL THE ANSWERS (!) to whatever questions anyone might have about something as sprawling, ambiguously authored, historically complex, thematically multi-faceted, much loved, vociferously reviled, and repeatedly re-translated as the Bible. Can you tell that I would approach such a site with some skepticism? I know that Judi Heppner would be able to tell, because she knows me. And I know her. And we enjoy being part of the same community, even though we think VERY differently about some pretty big things, perhaps including the Bible.
All that to say this…Judi will be helming the Talky Bit this Sunday. As is always the case, anyone that takes that on has free rein when it comes to what they might choose to explore. And Judi, never one to back down from a challenge, will be talking about the Bible. Here’s how she put it in her email to me earlier today:

My topic is going to be the Bible. Yes, the whole thing. Could take awhile. Maybe bring snacks.

Actually the length will probably be no longer than a usual Talky Bit as I’m not so much going over lots of content as I am going to be delving into my own journey of my relationship with, and understanding of, the Bible. It’s been important to me to figure out what this book is about and what place it should have in my life and that has changed over time.

You can still bring snacks if you want.

Location will be Pantages; time will be 10:30 a.m. No Kid’s Table, but we’re back in a building with good “kid space”, and that curious room from which the children can look down on their parents (and you thought you had years to go before that happened – hah!).
In any case, we’ll see you on Sunday. If you bring snacks, try to have them be based on a biblical theme. Like Tim Bits…because they’re hole-ey. Just kidding…
Tim Plett
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