Remember That?

Aug 26, 2018

Is it possible to package up memories? We all know that it’s possible to bring momentous or re-minders with us, but memories are trickier. The more we learn about how our actual memories work, the more complex and elusive that idea becomes. But oh…we long to keep our memories intact! Perhaps we never feel that more acutely than when we face a loss of some kind, whether that is material, relational, or even ideological. We want to remember…

For as far back as we can find evidence, one of the most ongoing and effective ways of remembering is story telling. It’s story telling that grows into mythology; recollection plus musing about meaning that morphs over time into guiding and defining stories; stories that become “wild ways of telling truth”, that rise above the facts even while sometimes including them.

This week, it’s our turn as a community to package some memories up as stories. We have been rather abruptly informed by the City of Winnipeg that as part of their “invitation for proposals” regarding the future of Pantages, this is our last Sunday in the building. We have to remove our stuff and hand over the keys by the end of the month (yes, THIS month). Two weeks ago I shared a bit about how lovely and “home-coming” it felt to be back at Pantages; this week I feel like we’re saying a rather important “good bye” to a place that has become a cherished gathering place for the community.

So bring your memories with you to our gathering on Sunday. We’re going to spend our time together telling stories about our season at Pantages. I hope we can engage this as a time of both celebration and (if you enjoy meeting at Pantages) lament. Remembering matters.

We don’t know the future of that facility or ultimately if we will have any place in it. We do have another place (Creative Manitoba) booked for September, so we won’t be sitting out on the sidewalk next week, but we are entering a season of ramping up the search for a new home with a much tighter time line than anticipated. Your prayers for the Leadership Team are much appreciated, as are any ideas or suggestions. More on that in the days ahead.

For now, take a moment to reflect on what this past season at The Table has meant to you. If you can, come and share a story. If you can’t be there in person, please feel free to email me a story so I can share it with the community on Sunday.

I look forward to being with you all, where ever we happen to be meeting.


Tim Plett

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