I Think We Think We Need A Scapegoat

Jul 22, 2018
I thought about titling this blurb “Am I Praying To A Goat?”, but then it occurred to me that without some wider frame of reference that was just too weird even for one of my subject lines, and too oblique to be amusing to anyone else. So…what’s up with all the goats? Well, the short version is that we want a story that explains things so badly that we would rather have a strange one than not have one at all, and one of the powerful stories from the past involves a couple of different kinds of goats. Nowadays, we’ve put in “goat substitutes”…but more about that on Sunday. And yes….this is “Part II” of “Thoughts And Prayers”, for anyone that is keeping track.
Gathering Location – This week we’ll be gathering at the “Plett Ranch” near Birds Hill Park. If you are on the email list, you’ll find directions at the end of this email. If not, please contact me at <tim@thetablewinnipeg.com>, and I’ll send them to you. They won’t be posted on the website.
Gathering and Potluck Details: Yes, potluck details! At present, the Sunday forecast looks like full-on summer, so I think we’ll basically hang out in our gazebo. I’ll deliver, as someone suggested last Sunday morning, all the easy answers to the big questions (not), and then you can either stay for a potluck or head out to whatever is next in your day. If you are planning to stay, bring something edible to share. We have some fridge space, a BBQ (it’s not fancy, but it cooks things), and a normal kitchen, just in case you need to take any of that into account. No one is coordinating the potluck – it’ll be “run what you brung”, to use my rural grandfather’s colorful phrase. No prescribed end time, but if all the people that live in the house disappear there’s a good chance you’ve outstayed your welcome.  🙂
Kids Table – I realize that we’re on a break from Kids Table programming. However, Corinne and Tayah have volunteered to take the Littles into their care while the adults solve life. Be advised that if you take them up on that offer they will be playing outside (weather permitting), so dress your youngsters for action and sunshine.
I’ll see you on Sunday.
Tim Plett
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