There’s a Lot of Space…

Sep 10, 2017

Hello Everyone,

We’re at Pantages this week for our last “summer” service. Kid’s Table will be starting up next week, but as always kids are welcome to partake in the communal Lego supply, and just be their charming little selves.

Here’s a quick message from Tim Plett regarding meeting space over the fall, give it a read and send him an email if you have any ideas:

I found out this past week that our normal “plan b” for the dates when we can’t get Pantages as a gathering space is not going to work in the months of October and November.  Sam’s Place management has said they would be delighted to have us back, but they will be closed over those months for renovations. As it stands at the moment, it looks like we will have about four Sundays where we need an alternative venue. I’m putting this out to the community for ideas. Please feel free to email me or anyone you know on the Leadership Team if you have any thoughts or suggestions. I’m hoping that putting many imaginations to work on this problem might yield an outstanding solution. Let’s see what happens.

And here’s what’s up for this week:

Did anyone get a chance to see the northern lights hovering over the city last night? For me the Aurora Borealis is a phenomenon that serves as a reminder of just how incredible the universe is. Of course, there are many reminders all around us every day, but we tend to contextualize and minimize the astounding aspects of the world around us. I suppose we sort of need to, if only to get to work on time.

This week I want to use the vastness of the universe as a metaphor for how we think about God, and the way in which we as humans have a tendency to shrink big things down to a comprehendible size, and in doing so create divisions based on constructed interpretations of ideas we never understood in the first place. I will definitely being speaking from experience on that topic, since what I’ve described is a place I find myself in all too often.

Looking forward to seeing everyone on Sunday!

-Tim Penner

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