Questions for the New Year – An alt.Sunday at The Table
Jan 7, 2024
First of all, Happy New Year to you all! Or, if that’s too insistent, welcome to January. š
It can be quite lovely to have some holidays in December and to enjoy the good things that come with that. It can also be quite disruptive to our rhythms, schedules, relational and behavioural patterns, sleep and nutritionĀ needs and overallĀ sense of wellbeing. But now, it’s January and (perhaps) time to recalibrateĀ some of those baseline aspects of our lives.
For me, and I think for the community of The Table, part of our baseline is asking questions. I believeĀ that as humans we are more deeply shaped by the questions we ask than the answers we find. Our quests give shape to not only our musings but also our daily actions; the way we spend our time, energy and resources. So this Sunday morning (and yes, we’re back to Sunday) we will gather at VA Cafe (171 McDermot Avenue) at 10:45 a.m. to consider what some of our questions might be as we head into 2024. If you want to do some thinking about this in advance of our gathering, some of the categories I’ll invite us to consider may include matters related to world events, global concerns, spiritual questions, religious themes, family and relational matters, work…and any other questions that might be churning around in your mind, heart or gut. We will get some help along the way from a Grammy winning producer / musician and a thoughtful trans author, among others.
On the detail front, we will attempt to livestream at least the first part of this conversation. We continue to face technical challenges in our gathering space and are working to find more consistent ways to share with those not able to attend in person. The livestream can be foundĀ
on our Facebook page. This is also the space where you can post anything you want to contribute to the discussion. We will check for posts during our time together.
For those inclined to plan ahead, next Sunday (January 14th) will be a Full Circle Sunday with something cued up for our youngsters.
I’m looking forward to getting back into the rhythm of our regular times together, exploring what we believe.
I’ll see you on Sunday.
Tim Plett