Not Quite Christmas – Stories and Songs

Dec 17, 2023

Hey folks – it’s almost here! Not Quite Christmas, our annual marking of this season, is this coming Sunday! A few important details as follows:

-We’ll meet at our usual time and place – VA Cafe (170 McDermot Avenue) and get started at 10:45 a.m.
-The first part of our gathering will be “the program”, and we’ll endeavor to start a bit less casually than usual because we’ve got a lot to pack into the morning! We will livestream this part of the morning here.

-This will be followed by a Christmas feast, including (because it’s The Table), perogies and ham (and sometimes bacon), plus whatever everyone brings. Note: please come whether you are able to bring something or not. There’s always enough food. Disposable paper service and cold beverages will also be provided. Hot beverages for connoisseurs are available in the cafe upstairs. We won’t livestream this part because watching people eat on Facebook is just…well, flavourless and potentially kinda gross. 🙂
Our calendar for the next few weeks is as follows (please take careful note of the changes from our usual gathering times!):

Gatherings for the rest of December (all at 10:45 am):
Sunday, Dec 17: Not Quite Christmas Gathering & Potluck
Saturday, Dec 30: Coffee Gathering at VA Cafe (yes, Saturday)
Note: no gatherings on Sunday Dec 24 or 31. Regular gatherings resume Sunday, Jan 7.
And also, a reminder that year end financial gifts are foundational to our being able to meet our obligations going forward into the New Year. Ways to give online can be found here. Thank you for giving this your thoughtful consideration.
I’ll see you on Sunday!
Tim Plett
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