This Week Not at The Table

May 19, 2024

As some of you might know, it has been our practice as a community to not gather in person on the summer long weekends. Although it might not officially be summer just yet, this coming weekend marks the first of the legit “get outside now to maximize summer” extended weekends. So…no in person gathering this week (May 19th). We’ll be back at VA next Sunday, so keep an eye on this space for the details.

In the meantime, you could check out the podcast from last Sunday here. It was Mother’s Day (of course), but don’t let that deter you. The podcast includes that topic, but also ranges quite a bit wider in its exploration of how changing beliefs can be instigated and supported, as well as how they are sometimes costly.

Also, keep an eye on this space for more details about upcoming summer gathering plans. We’ll be enjoying some outings, including the Pride Parade on June 2nd, an outdoor pie-in-the-face fundraiser (outside because…flying pies!), a visit to the Healing Forest, and more.

And a reminder that as we head into summer, we usually see a slump in our financial support. We operate with almost no buffer, so if you are able to make a donation as we head into this season that would help us to meet our ongoing obligations, which don’t melt away along with the snow.

I won’t see you this Sunday, but I look forward to being together in person again on May 26th.

Tim Plett
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