The News of The Day (an alt.Sunday), an actual working survey link (!!) and several other things to look forward to

Oct 6, 2024

Hey folks – in our particular way of organizing the world, this Sunday is a twofer. Not familiar with that term? If you look it up, you will find several definitions, including this charming bit of nostalgia:

noun. Informal. a pair of (theater tickets, phonograph records, etc.) sold for, or approximately for, the price of one. Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition

Phonograph records?! In a college dictionary? Did the editorial staff take the day off?  Or are they super-hip?

Anyway, yes, two alt.Sundays in a row for the price of one. How about that! 🙂 On this particular twofer, it’s story time with Tim. The subject of the story will be the relationship between the news of the day and our longing for, and making of, home.  We’ll livestream our time together here..

And about this community survey. First of all, a mea culpa. The links that didn’t work have been sorted out by yours truly, the same person that messed them up in the first place. Also, the link below has been independently tested and verified as a working one. If it’s not working for you (grrr!), please let me know and we’ll find another way to gather your input. I don’t want anyone who wishes to participate to be denied the opportunity because some piece of technology didn’t cooperate, or because my competencies were not up to the task.

The Table Community Survey Link

In other news, some exciting upcoming items to have on your calendar include:
Future Souper Sunday potlucks on October 20th, November 22nd and December 22nd. I’ll include more details about those as they draw closer, but the short version is they’ll be lovely opportunities to eat and connect with one another, uninterrupted by any formal musings. The December date will also be our “Not Quite Christmas” gathering. So good…
The long-delayed “Pie-In-Your-Face” fundraiser is now slated for November 3rd. As some of you may be aware, the kids at The Table have requested that they be the recipients of the pie-in-your-face. They want to get pied. We (the adults) agreed to this arrangement, but with two twists. First of all, the kids only get pied if we raise $1000 in extra funds. If you are donating, make sure we know that this is money you want to count toward the total by putting a note on the cheque or accompanying your online donation. You can just put “pie” somewhere in the process, so we know when we’ve reached that goal. Second twist – if we reach $5000, one of the kids (we have a very clever, but secret, way of randomly selecting who it’ll be) gets to pie…me. (I didn’t discuss this with the leadership team, but if we raise $10,000 everyone in the community can line up and pie me, and I’ll be smiling the entire time).

We’re working some other interesting alt.Sunday ideas, but I’ll save those for another time.

-Tim Plett

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