On Predicting the Future
No, I’m not talking about some sort of prophetic “seeing through” to a date for the apocalypse or a moment where there is Divine intervention in history that brings our present experience to a screeching halt. Although, these days, one could perhaps be forgiven for those inclinations, especially if you grew up looking over your proverbial (and maybe literal) shoulder for those sorts of things. I’m talking about something much more accessible, much more pragmatic.
A couple of weeks ago I told an Octavia Butler story and mentioned an essay of hers on this topic. Well, this week in the Talky Bit I’m going to read it for us and then we’ll have a chat about its implications for sorting through both current events and the shape of our beliefs. I think it’ll be both a delightful and challenging way to spend that part of our morning together.
Also, in a twist that I don’t think we’ve ever encountered before as a community, the kids are going to have a treat for the adults at the end of the gathering. That’s all I’m going to say about that. 🙂
As we usually do, we’ll start at 10:45 a.m. at VA Cafe (171 McDermot Avenue) with some music and Community Time, wrap up by 12:00, livestream here, podcast here, rinse and repeat the following week. It’s a good pattern, the kind of thing that can be both grounding and stimulating, and I hope to see you there.