Love With Justice – An alt.Sunday (+) Kids Table
Folks, I’m not going to pull any punches on this one. I’ve had to pause several times in my review of what we will be viewing together this Sunday to let my aching spirit recover enough to go on. I have had to stop to weep and grieve before I was able to consciously choose to continue. I want to strongly encourage you to attend this Sunday if you are able, but I don’t want you to come naively. There is hope in what we will view together – beautiful, remarkable, sacred hope. But it might also break your heart.
We will gather at our usual time (10:45 a.m.) at VA Cafe, and after we have a chance to check in with one another we’ll get right into the video because it will require the remaining time if we want to see it through to the end. As noted in the subject line, there will be Kids Table programming as well. We won’t be livestreaming or podcasting this one, but I’ll put a link to the video below so that we can share the experience in some way, even if we can’t attend in person.
I’m going to leave us with some words from Rumi to help aim us at the spirit of what we will share together. I’ll see you on Sunday.
You and I
have to live
As if you and I
had never heard
of a you
an I.
— Jelaluddin Rumi