It’s Pride Parade and Festival Sunday!

Jun 2, 2024

Hey folks – in case you missed it, this past week has been Pride Season here in Winnipeg. It wraps up this Sunday, June 2nd, with (among other things) a rally, parade and events at the Forks. For our gathering this Sunday, we will be meeting at VA Cafe at our usual time (10:45 a.m.) and then walking over to the Forks to take in the parade. It’ll be about a 12-15 minute walk each direction, as well as extended time outside, so dress for the conditions and bring your refillable water bottle. If you are not able to be at VA by the time we leave but would still like to try to find the group, I’ll keep my phone handy with the ringer on. Text me on my mobile (e-mail me in advance if you don’t have that #)  and I’ll try to help you find us. 🙂  Our collective plan only extends as far as the parade. After that, you’re on your own but there’s lots going on! More event information including the Pride Festival app can be found here.

Following is a statement from Pride Winnipeg Executive Director Sean Irvine, explaining a bit more about this years theme of “Transcend Together”.

“Transcend Together is a heartfelt call to bolster love and support for our trans-identifying community members in a year marked by a distressing rise in hate speech and violence against the trans community. Through Transcend Togetehr, Pride Winnipeg and the broader 2SLGBTQ+ community aim to fortify solidarity with our trans family, standing united against ignorance and hate.” 

Even if I wasn’t the proud parent of a trans person, I would be down for that.
As always, this plan is extended as an opportunity, not an obligation. If you can join us, I’ll see you on Sunday.
Tim Plett
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