How To Tell When Religion Is Behaving Like A Monster And An Important Finance Update – an alt.Sunday

Jul 7, 2024

Hey folks – I hope you all had a lovely (if perhaps somewhat soggy) long weekend. I’m excited to be back together again at the VA Cafe this Sunday. We’ll gather at 10:45 a.m., livestream here and podcast the Talky Bit here later in the week. This is an alt.Sunday, so come with your thinking cap on, prepared to reflect on some of your own experiences with religion when it’s misbehaving.

Which brings us tidily to the Talky Bit. As the blurb title suggests, we’ll be exploring an aspect of religion that isn’t often discussed by those promoting most systems of belief – how to tell when those systems are behaving in ways that are frightening, hazardous, or to use a literary frame for it, like monsters. I have found this to be an interesting way of reconsidering my personal experiences with religion, and I hope you will as well.

Regarding the finance update, here’s a message from Justin:

We have a total of $5.42 in our bank account. We often run low on money in summer, but this year is especially bad, and we are having trouble paying our bills. If you are able, would you be able to donate?

Your friend,
Justin Schinkel
You can find several ways to make your tax reciepatable donation online here. Thanks for giving this your consideration, and for responding if you are able.


Tim Plett
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