Back To Basics

Mar 9, 2025

Hey folks – this blurb has a few additional details at the end, so I would invite you to take the moments needed to read the whole thing.

Let’s start with the details about this Sunday. We’ll gather at VA Cafe at 10:45 am for some music, Community Time and a Talky Bit. In a slight change from our typical rhythm, there will not be any Kids Table program this week but the usual space will be available for our creative youngsters to hang out. In the Talky Bit, we’ll take a break from our inquiry into ethics beyond religion to consider what “back to basics” might look like for a community like The Table. We’ll livestream here and podcast later in the week here.
In other news:
  • This Sunday is the time change (spring ahead!). Yes, I know your phone will make the change automatically, but your body and mind might not. Hence, a reminder. 🙂
  • Upcoming events to put on your calendar include our AGM and Pies Only potluck on April 6th. Justin will tell us where the money goes and may use pie charts to do so. The rest of us are invited to bring pies for an “only pies” potluck. More details closer to the date, but for now I’ll address the concern of anyone who thinks that means an “only desserts” potluck. “Pies” simply indicates shape, not contents (see above re: pie charts). Nutritious pies will be just as welcome as less-nutritious, sugar-laden, covered-in-meringue pies. (But really – which of those descriptions made you salivate?)
  • And just in case we find that too limiting, we’re going to have a “normal” Souper Sunday on April 27th. Because humans like food and hanging out together and we are (first of all) humans.
I’ll see you on Sunday.
Tim Plett
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