Are You A God Person? (an alt.Sunday)

Sep 15, 2024

Hey folks – gotta say, that’s one of the more “religious sounding” subject lines I’ve written in some time. Maybe it’s because I grew up around bits of language like “that’s a God thing”, so “God person” has a certain context for me. Maybe that is also why, when I came across that phrase in an unexpected location this past week, it really grabbed my attention. To be clear – this exploration will be guided by a song in which the writer is asking the question, “Am I a God Person, and / or could I ever be?” of themselves in a very exploratory and (to me at least) refreshingly big-minded way. So we’ll be exploring that.

Also, in an interesting update to our Healing Forest visit. There were some folks who expressed interest in participating in a sweat. When I followed up with Don Robinson (the Elder who joined us) who connected me with David Budd, who hosts sweats more regularly. As it turns out, there’s one happening this Sunday afternoon, starting around 2:00 and going until about 7:00 p.m. The location is near Libau, about 30 minutes out of the city. If you want details including a map and what to bring / wear, etc, let me know and I’ll send you the info. Both Don and David have said they will keep me advised of other upcoming possibilities, so if you are interested just ask.
This Sunday we’ll gather at VA Cafe at 10:45. We’ll livestream here.. The song we’ll be working with is a Madi Diaz tune called (surprise!) “God Person”. You can find it on whatever music streaming service you use, or on Youtube here. FYI – it’s a bit of an outlier on the album, just in case you decide to explore further.
Peace, everyone. I’ll see you on Sunday.
Tim Plett
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