And Finally, An alt.Sunday Feast!

Oct 15, 2023

We mark an occasion like Thanksgiving in many different ways. I happened to be in a grocery store this past Sunday and asked the person helping me if she would be working on Thanksgiving Monday. Yep, just another (slightly shorter) day at the shop. For others, it was a holiday. Some of us gathered with family, some of us were alone. Some of us dug into a turkey dinner, some of us ate favorite ethnic or seasonal dishes, some of us ordered in. But all of us, in one way or another, encountered the theme of harvest. It’s that time of year, and whether we take a drive outside the city and see combines in the fields or some green-thumbed neighbor tries to give us their surplus zucchini, we are surrounded by growing things coming to fruition.

At The Table last Sunday, we took a moment to breathe in gratitude and breathe out some specific things we were thankful for. One of the things that came to my mind as we did that was the people that make up this community. In that particular moment it was our young ones, but for me it’s really everybody. I love it when we can be together in a shared space, talking about what’s going on in our lives. And often, human conversation and connection happens over a meal.

Between a pandemic, summer, and moving to a new venue, it’s been a while since we’ve had what we used to call a “Souper Sunday”. If you’re not familiar, that is basically when we invite food to take centre stage in our gathering. This Sunday marks the return of that lovely tradition. We will gather at 10:45 a.m. at VA Cafe (171 McDermot – click here for venue details). We will livestream the first part of the gathering – Community Time, plus a short idea to chew on –  but to get the full effect (not to mention the food!), be in the room if possible. Then, we’ll share food and conversation.

Since this is our first Souper Sunday at this location, and because it’s a space with no kitchen facilities, here’s a blurb from Shereen who is coordinating the Pot Luck:

Time for a potluck at The Table!

Plan to attend this Sunday whether you feel like you have something you can bring to the potluck or not. There’s always enough food and company to share.
Provided will be everything needed to eat including bowls (it’s soup season), juice and water to drink, if you’d prefer something warmer consider buying a beverage from VA Cafe. If what you’re bringing to share needs serving utensils please bring them as we don’t have extras.

Also, the space we’re in seems to have lots of places to plug things in, so if you are bringing something hot (see above re: soup), you may wish to consider bringing it in something that can plug in to keep it warm if necessary.

Since it’s our first Souper Sunday in this space. I expect we’ll be doing a bit of improvising as we share this experience,  If you have any feedback or ideas for next time, send them my way and I’ll pass them along. All being well, this won’t be the last time we share a feast.

I’m looking forward to seeing you all on Sunday!
Tim Plett
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