An alt.Sunday / Kids Table Unlike Any Other!
Hold on just a minute! Aren’t all alt.Sundays unlike any other? O.K…I’ll grant you that. But can’t something be unique even when it’s part of a collection of unique things? 🙂 How about I give you the details and you decide if my description was fair or not.
Here’s the plan. This Sunday we will be discussing mysteries, inspired by a new book from Bill Watterson and John Kascht. Watterson is best known as the creator of the marvelous Calvin and Hobbes comic strip, and for abruptly retiring both the characters and himself in 1995. This book marks his return to public view. Kascht is a highly regarded caricaturist. The new book, The Mysteries, is a beautifully illustrated adult fable about what lies beyond human understanding. We will both see and hear the story as well as hearing from the artists who created it, and spend some time considering what it evokes for us.
That’s part one. So far, topic not-with-standing, maybe not that unique. But wait…there’s more!
Part three is that we’ll also be making a movie. Well, “movie” would be stretching it. Some of you might recall a conversation we had a while ago about what The Table means to you. I came away from that inspired and encouraged, and wanting to share those insights with a wider audience. As part of doing that, I want to start capturing clips of people finishing the sentence, “To me, The Table is like…”. So fix your hair (or don’t!) and come ready to tell the world what your experience of our community is like. (Note: as is consistent with the ethos of The Table, no one will be compelled to be part of this. You know…opportunity, not obligation.)
So what do you think? Was it reasonable to say that this gathering will be unique? As always, showing up remains the only actual way to find out. For those not able to attend our 10:45 a.m. gathering at VA Cafe, we’ll livestream here..
I’ll see you on Sunday.
Tim Plett