About Love – An Introduction (and Full Circle Sunday)
Some days I feel like we’re surrounded by hate. My head knows that isn’t true, and I’m grateful to say that my life experience also tells me that isn’t the whole story. But if I choose to attend to the news or even to what sort of topics of conversation seem to come most quickly to many of us, a strong feature is often world events that appear to be fueled by hatred. So while it may not be true that we’re surrounded by hate, I think we could argue that as a species we seem to be moving away from love and toward…well, toward “not love”. I read someone this past week who said that when we turn away from love we risk moving into a wilderness of spirit so intense that we may never find our way home again. I’ve never felt it more strongly than I do these days…we need to return to love.
So, in an attempt to help us lift our heads up and keep us facing forward with some hope, I want to spend the next while exploring different aspects of love. We will dip in and out of other matters, of course – our commitment to alt.Sundays will make sure of that. But, for a while at least, I think we’ll keep returning to an exploration of love. There’s plenty we could learn, it seems.
We will meet at the VA Cafe on Sunday at 10:45 a.m. There will be something planned for our young ones. We are continuing to try to solve the livestream issues in this space (my apologies for the protracted nature of this problem), and are hoping to either livestream to our Facebook page or post a recording to that space after the fact. In either case, the online location will be here. There will also be a podcast of the Talky Bit later in the week, which can be found here.
So grab your snow shovel and make a path to VA Cafe so we can talk about love. Let’s see if we can work together to find a way to circumvent the wilderness of hate and find our way home.
I’ll see you on Sunday.