A Life Saving Trip, Kids Church, A Group Outing and Summer Plans

May 26, 2024

Hey folks. I’m looking out the window at a very green (and rather damp) world. I love the fresh growth, and I know it can’t happen without the rain. Seems like there might be a lesson in there somewhere.  🙂

This Sunday at The Table includes the Kids Table on one side of the wall, and a mini-film fest on the other. I can’t tell you what the kids will be up to (it’s always top secret, and I don’t get to know the password), but on the film fest side we’ll be watching and discussing a short film from one of the intriguing collective of emerging young filmmakers known as the Youtube Next Wave. More about that when we gather but if you want to do some advance musing you could reflect on whether you have ever taken a life-changing (maybe even life-saving) trip, either literally or metaphorically. If so, what prompted it, what did it involve, and how did it change your life?

Next week we will be meeting at a “still to be determined” location to take in the Pride Parade. Watch this space for details.

Also in the coming weeks we will have the much-anticipated “pie-faced fundraiser” in which kids from The Table get pied to help us pay the bills. We’re still working on a final date for this one and will keep you posted.

This week we’ll meet at VA Cafe at 10:45 a.m. We’ll livestream the Community Time on our Facebook page and I’ll post a link for the film.
I’ll see you on Sunday.
Tim Plett


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