That’s Not The Gift I Was Expecting (A Full Circle Sunday)
Hey folks – I’m going to put several details at the end of this blurb, and I would encourage you to read it all because it contains particulars about our seasonal gatherings that you should be aware of.
I’m not sure how it works in your space, but in ours it is around this time of year that gifts start showing up. There’s a bit more secrecy about what came in the mail, and a room where people are sometimes told not to look. It’s done mostly in the interest of being able to provide a joyful surprise; a moment of delight when the gift is unwrapped. I know not everyone will share this perspective, but for me that experience has a little extra kick when the gift is one I really like or need, but didn’t see coming. In this Talky Bit, I’m going to explore the possibility that some of the traditional Christmas stories might contain such gifts. Complicated? Perhaps. Possible? Well, only you can decide that. I’m looking forward to being in the room for the unwrapping.
This is a Full Circle Sunday, which means there will be something special for the youngest members of the community. (I know what it is, but can’t say lest I be banished.) We’ll start at 10:45 a.m. at VA Cafe. We’ll have some music, some Community Time, and a Talky Bit. You can come when you are able and leave when you need or want to, and we’ll generally aim at wrapping up the planned part of our time together by noon.
The details:
Our Not Quite Christmas gathering will take place at our usual morning time on December 17th. It’s going to be a time focused on stories, songs and…food. (I really wanted to alliterate that but couldn’t think of an “s” word for food.) The food will be potluck with the general theme being somewhere in the realm of brunch / lunch, with just a little tilt toward dinner. So…whatever you want to bring is fine, really. 🙂 We won’t go home hungry. Paper service and beverages will be provided.
Beep Beep Beep – change in pattern alert! Our final gathering of 2023 will take place on Saturday, December 30th, not on Sunday. There’s a whole story there I won’t bother you with, but the plan is to meet at VA Cafe at our usual time (but on Saturday), get some beverages and sit together to reflect on the year past. If space permits, we might just take over the back room upstairs for a change. In any event, we’ll still plan to start at 10:45 a.m., but it’ll all be pretty casual. Think “meet a bunch of your friends for coffee”, and you’ll be on the right track.
And, on the topic of pattern changes, we will not have a gathering on the morning of December 24th.