Gonna Lay Down My Burden – an alt.Sunday

Mar 16, 2025

Hey folks – it seems like everywhere I go these days I’m having conversations with people that are feeling the weight of everyday life. Whether it’s a particular heartbreak or the general climate of anxiety, many of us are feeling what a hymn from my childhood would call “heavy laden”.  This week, we’re going to do a couple of different things that will offer us ways to lay down what encumbers us, what makes us feel weary. I’ll keep the details to myself for now, but I can assure you that, as with everything we do at The Table, you will be welcome to choose your level of participation. 🙂 For those not able to be there in person, we will livestream here.

There will also be something happening at Kids Table. Exactly what will be happening is outside my purview, but if history is any indicator it’ll be creative and engaging.

Also, a reminder about some upcoming events:
AGM and Pies Only potluck on April 6th. “Pies” simply indicates shape, not contents. Nutritious pies will be just as welcome as dessert pies. Some would disagree, but it feels like the responsible thing to say.

-Our next “normal” Souper Sunday is on April 27th. More details closer to the date.
I’ll see you at 10: 45 am. (VA Cafe) on Sunday.
Tim Plett
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