Where Do You Look For Hope, Peace, Love or Joy? – An alt.+Sunday

Dec 15, 2024

Hey folks – this is an alt.Sunday, but with Kids Table and music. Hence, alt+Sunday. I’m just making these names up for fun, because what really matters is that we’ll gather with fellow explorers in a place where it’s safe to consider the questions without being told what the allowable answers are, and really – who gets to do that?! This week, come prepared to offer your reflections on the question in the subject line – where do you look for (perhaps even find?), hope, peace, love or joy?  We’ll meet at VA Cafe at 10:45 as usual and livestream here, also as usual.

Next week is our annual “Not Quite Christmas” gathering. Here are some details. Put this up on the fridge and plan to be there.:)

Where: VA Cafe
When: Sunday, December 22nd, 10:45 a.m.
What: Much of what we want most as humans; food, connection with others, some time out of the storm. Details below.

Program Details:
Our theme will be “Look What The Light Did Now”. We’ll unpack that on the day, but for now I would invite you to reflect on that from two possible perspectives. First of all, what are some things that feel like “bright spots” in your life right now? Places, people, experiences, ideas, beliefs…anything that feels like it brings light into your life. Second, can you think of any occasions where a surprising or unexpected change in your life turned out to be a good thing? Once again, this can be about anything.

I will make space for people to share these with the community as part of our gathering on the 22nd. If you don’t feel comfortable sharing in person, or perhaps can’t attend, please email your reflections to me and I’ll read them as part of our time together. My email is <tim@thetablewinnipeg.com>, for those who might be seeing this on our website.

Food Details:
For those who take joy in thinking about and planning / preparing food, the format will be potluck, the theme will be “Holiday Brunch”. If you don’t care about the theme, ignore it and bring whatever you want. Or just bring yourself. The Table will provide ham and perogies (because that’s what Santa eats for Holiday Brunch, unless his partner insists that a salad might be a better idea), drinks and paper service. We won’t go home hungry.

Also, this can be a lovely occasion to invite a friend. In a world of big seasonal productions (and those can be wonderful, of course), I think our relatively intimate and informal marking of this time can feel like a simple way to come in from the dark for a hour or so, be with some lovely people, enjoy a good meal, and not feel like you had to pretend to be someone you’re not. I’m already looking forward to it.

I’ll see you on Sunday.
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