To Be In Awe – An alt.Sunday

Aug 18, 2024

Hey folks – I can tell we’ve just slid past the middle of August in a couple of ways. The young fire maple in our yard has begun to show the flaming edges of its fall foliage. Just a hint – no need to panic yet. 🙂  And schedules are starting to coalesce, commitments are being put into calendars, life is feeling like it is anticipating the coming tempos of September.

At The Table, that means (among other things) that this is an alt.Sunday, located right where you might expect it on the third Sunday of the month. For those whose memory of this particular pattern may have faded – a forgivable lapse, for sure – our pattern last year was that the second and fourth Sundays of the month were Full Circle Sundays, the others were alt.Sundays. And as long as we’re reviewing, alt.Sunday means “anything could happen”. Other voices, other points of view, reflection, discussion, (and So Much More!!, as the advertisers would say).

In any case, this week we’ll be spending some time with a wise senior via a lovely short film about moving through the world, and considering what it might look like to move out of it, with a sense of awe and wonder.

We’ll start at VA Cafe at 10:45. We’ll have a bit of quiet and Community Time at the start which we will stream here. The film and following conversation will be in-person only, but I’ve included a link below so we can all at least be watching and reflecting on the same material.

Film: To Be in Awe

I’m looking forward to our time together on Sunday.


Tim Plett
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