Not Quite Thanksgiving – A Table Family Souper Sunday

Oct 20, 2024

In keeping with our deeply established tradition of not celebrating festive occasions on their actual date, this coming Sunday is our opportunity to express our gratitude and thanks for the community, a place to safely explore what we believe and whatever else is in our hearts to be thankful for, with a shared meal and time to connect. That really will be our primary agenda; to eat and talk. We’ll meet at the usual time (10:45 a.m.), at the usual place (VA Cafe). We won’t livestream this one or podcast it. However, we will plan to connect with one another in Community Time before we eat, so if you can’t be there but have something you want to share please either email me at this address or post in the Facebook group. We’ll check in with both of those as part of our time together.

Some info re: the potluck
-First, and I would say most important of all, come whether you have something to bring or not. This is about sharing, and we’ve never not had enough.
-Here’s some info from Shereen, who continues to graciously oversee the logistics of these events (Thanks, Shereen!!):

Everything needed to eat will be provided, including bowls (it is soup season), juice, and water to drink. If you’d prefer something warmer consider buying a beverage from V & A Cafe. If what you’re bringing to share needs serving utensils please bring them as we don’t have extras.

I’ll see you on Sunday.

Tim Plett
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