The Point of Spirituality – a Hybrid Sunday
Hey all – I hope this finds you somewhere warm and weather-resistant as we travel through the ups and downs of January. I’m looking forward to gathering at VA Cafe this Sunday (10:45 a.m., 171 McDermot Avenue), where we can experience both the warmth of the building and the community.
For folks that like to know how things are going to go (order, timing, liturgy, etc) when they gather, The Table might sometimes be disconcerting. Personally, I like the variety and evolution. I think it helps to keep our minds and hearts open and our imaginations engaged. I believe this can be the case even with pretty ordinary things like how we gather. This week, for example, will be a blend of what we sometimes call a “Full Circle” gathering and and “alt.Sunday” – a chance to check in with one another, some shared music, something for Kids Table, and a short film / book excerpt and a discussion. Basically, everything but a Talky Bit and a potluck. We’ll save those for another day. 🙂
So come prepared to engage, to think for yourself and to explore with others. We’ll be working from both an animated rational consideration of what constitutes “spirituality”, and a reflection from a music ethnocologist about some ways in which the arts (including those that mess with rituals) can help us consider new possibilities.
I’m looking forward to our time together.
I’ll see you on Sunday.
Tim Plett